
Friday, May 27, 2011

Our speech has a moral texture

From Paul Helm:
N.T. Wright's answer in a question and answer session to a question about hell is an object lesson in evasion. Trevin Wax and Carl Trueman have had interesting and appropriate things to say about it, but neither has noted publicly how Dr Wright conducts himself in giving the interview.
Read the rest here.


  1. I have read some but not all of what Wright has written.

    I find his books and articles interesting but I am left at times with troubles in the soul.

    Love the comment from Carl Trueman --

    "Two observations seem apposite: just because Americans think something is important does not mean that it is, or should be, of little importance to anyone else. One need only think of the sales figures for Dr. Wright's books on this side of the Atlantic, for example."

    Loved this comment from Trevin Wax --

    "Furthermore, the idea that only Americans are asking about hell seems reductionist. When I lived overseas, I discovered Romanians to be very interested in future judgment. Visit Eastern Europe, Africa, China, and other parts of the world where there is a strong evangelical presence and you will find people grappling with these issues. The fact that few in the UK ask Wright about hell says more about the paucity of evangelical witness in England than it does any lopsided obsession with hell in the States."

    One thinks about a comment made by someone that would fit people in Wright's situation.

    Is there such a desire to be accepted by the educated folk working in some ministers of the gospel that they water down or change the question so as to avoid talking about some of the hard truths of the gospel?

    Also, it seems the more some aspire to higher education the danger is there to water down the truth because of the hostility that is there in educated circles. A PhD seems more important than having God give us a PLD. Or I am Pleased with you my child.

  2. Maybe the next time someone has an opportunity to question Dr. Wright on the topic of perdition the inquiry should be framed in terms of why Charles Spurgeon preached so much about hell, and how Dr. Wright's own views interact with those of his much-beloved fellow Englishman.

    In Christ,
