
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Machen's Warrior Grandchildren

Back on 12/22, Green Baggins did a post on "The Resurrection of Machen’s Warrior Children." I haven't bothered to monitor the feedback. All I've done is to check back periodically to tally the number of comments. As of now, it stands at 549 comments and counting! If Dr. Frame ever revises his famous essay, he will have to include one more entry for warrior grandchildren who war over "Machen's Warrior Children"!

This is the book of the generations of Machen. Machen lived 50 years, and begat Warrior Children.

And the days of Machen after he had begotten his Warrior Children were five years. And all the days that Machen lived were 55 years: and he died.

And Machen's Warrior Children begat children who warred over Machen's warrior children. And the days of Machen's Warrior Grandchildren were...

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