
Monday, January 11, 2010

Loving By Teaching

Here's a good post by Ray Ortlund, especially in an age when there's such an overemphasis on caring for people in physical and temporal ways while the spiritual and eternal are neglected.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I suppose the Church will always be split whne it comes to doctrine, or teaching.

    I remember Going to hear Michael W. Smith do a Christmas concert, (which was excellent music), and he paused for a moment and exhorted us by saying: "You know, we all go to church and we sit and listen to the preacher, and yet there's a man outside lying in the gutter, who needs our help.
    We need to get out of the church and go out and love these people." (Paraphrased)

    Man that got under my skin. Abd Michael loved the book: The Shack. I think that all goes hand in hand.

    However, maybe I'm too doctrinal. maybe I need to care about people's needs more, and less about the Scriptures, and truth?

    Thanks for the post.
