
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mock eulogy

Remarks by the President at Memorial Service at Fort Hood

“This is a time of war.”

Then it’s time to name the enemy.

“Yet these Americans did not die on a foreign field of battle. They were killed here, on American soil, in the heart of this great state and the heart of this great American community. This is the fact that makes the tragedy even more painful, even more incomprehensible.”

There’s nothing the least bit incomprehensible about a jihadist murdering Americans. And it’s liberals like Obama who give them the entrée they need.

“Their life's work is our security, and the freedom that we all too often take for granted.”

Speak for yourself.

“Neither this country -- nor the values upon which we were founded -- could exist without men and women like these 13 Americans.”

Values which Obama vehemently opposes.

“It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy.”

The logic is quite lucid, given the Islamic premise.

“But this much we do know -- no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts.”

To the contrary, we know that Islam is a faith which specifically and habitually justifies these murderous and craven acts.

“No just and loving God looks upon them with favor.”

True. But Allah is not a just or loving God.

“For what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice -- in this world, and the next.”

Really? Does Obama believe in hell? Does he believe in the afterlife at all?

“In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the same extremists who killed nearly 3,000 Americans continue to endanger America, our allies, and innocent Afghans and Pakistanis.”

“Extremists?” Once again, he refuses to name the enemy. Did Churchill or FDR simply refer to Nazis as “extremists”? Did Truman or Eisenhower simply refer to Communists as “extremists”?

“As we face these challenges, the stories of those at Fort Hood reaffirm the core values that we are fighting for, and the strength that we must draw upon.”

Except that Obama is fighting against our core values.

“In an age of selfishness, they embody responsibility.”

Selfishness…as in the Obama’s personal lifestyle, you mean?

“In an era of division, they call upon us to come together.”

Of course, Obama is nothing if not divisive.

“In a time of cynicism, they remind us of who we are as Americans.”

Yes, we’re American and you’re anti-American.

“We are a nation of laws whose commitment to justice is so enduring that we would treat a gunman and give him due process, just as surely as we will see that he pays for his crimes.”

If we will surely see that he pays for his crimes, then isn’t due process just an empty formality (not that I object)?

“We're a nation that guarantees the freedom to worship as one chooses.”

At present, we’re a nation that guarantees the freedom of worshipful Muslims to murder American soldiers while we crack down on Christian expression.

“And instead of claiming God for our side, we remember Lincoln’s words, and always pray to be on the side of God.”

What God does Obama pray to?

“And we know that Americans will always be found on the side of liberty and equality.”

Unless you’re a liberal Democrat, in which case you’re on the side of tyranny.

“That's who we are as a people.”

Spoken by an anti-American president who slanders his country whenever he travels abroad.

“They are man and woman; white, black, and brown; of all faiths and all stations.”

Of all faiths–like Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

“So we say goodbye to those who now belong to eternity.”

What does that actually mean to Obama?

“We press ahead in pursuit of the peace that guided their service.

The pursuit of peace–or appeasement?

“May God bless the memory of those that we have lost. And may God bless the United States of America.”

Which God would that be?


  1. Obama's "Mock Eulogy" ...

    deserves the Triablogue fisking that Steve Hays provided.

    P.S. I heard from liberal Democrats that George W. Bush was not their President because they didn't vote for him.

    Will they accept the same logic from conservatives regarding Obama?

  2. Fisking the fisker...

    "But Allah is not a just or loving God."

    Define "just" and "loving".

    A benevolent Deity could justly condemn ALL men to eternal Hell and misery. In light of this, define something inconsistent with the notion of a just God.
    As you've said, there's nothing God could do that would be "unjustified".
    So what makes Allah, in particular, so cruel?

    "while we crack down on Christian expression."

    Really? Here's the litmus test: if Fred Phelps is still protesting at the funeral of AIDS patients without being jailed for it, I think you're safe.

    "Selfishness…as in the Obama’s personal lifestyle, you mean?"

    You mean because he's been married to one woman and is a devoted father? Selfish compared to whom? Rush Limbaugh, a darling of the Right, who said after his $400 milion contract with Clear Channel that there's really no recession because "he's never had financially a down year"?

    "The pursuit of peace–or appeasement"

    Um, didn't George Bush say Islam was a "religion of peace"?

    "Except that Obama is fighting against our core values"

    What ARE your core values? I can't figure them out.

  3. "...define something inconsistent with the notion of a just God."

    The forbearance of punishing sin without a basis of propitiation (Romans 3:25-26).

    "As you've said, there's nothing God could do that would be "unjustified"."

    To what are you referring? I don't see anything that even remotely implies that.


    “Define ‘just’ and ‘loving.”

    Irrelevant. I’m answering Obama on his own terms. My definition is not the issue. Try to pay attention.

    “Really? Here's the litmus test: if Fred Phelps is still protesting at the funeral of AIDS patients without being jailed for it, I think you're safe.”

    Since Phelps doesn’t represent Christian expression, you’re comparison is inept. Try again.

    “You mean because he's been married to one woman and is a devoted father?”

    Since you’re so pro sodomy, why do you resort to such a heteronormative standard?

    “Selfish compared to whom?”

    Compared to himself. I’m answering him on his own terms. Are you just too thickheaded to know what that means?

    Since Obama is the one who brought it up, then his lavish Chicago mansion, his lavish Hawaiian vacation home, flying his wife by air force 1 to a dinner in NYC, &c., are examples in which his self-indulgent actions belie his sacrificial words.

    “Rush Limbaugh, a darling of the Right…”

    Yet another stupid comparison. I didn’t vote for Obama, and I didn’t vote for Limbaugh. He’snot my elected representativew. Indeed, I never listen to his show.

    Every time you swing, you miss.

    “Um, didn't George Bush say Islam was a ‘religion of peace’?”

    Yet another stupid comparison. At least you’re consistently incompetent.

    I was critical of Bush’s rhetorical charm offensive vis-à-vis the Muslims.

    However, Obama reproduces all of Bush’s vices, and makes them ten times worse, without any of Bush’s compensatory virtues.

    “What ARE your core values? I can't figure them out.”

    That’s a matter of public record. Check the archives.

  5. Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as one of the 5 worst, if not the worst, President in the history of our country. Time will tell whether he beats out Jimmy Carter for that dis-honor.
