
Sunday, August 30, 2009

High-church cults and heresies

Catholic and Orthodox apologists sometimes attack sola scriptura by pointing to sola scriptural cults like the Watchtower. This is what sola scriptura leads to, so they say.

But the problem with that comparison is that we have high-churchly cults as well as sola scriptural cults. The Mormon church is a high-churchly cult.

In a fallen world, the god of this world will counterfeit the truth. And the counterfeit will imitate whatever form the truth takes.


  1. But Steve, aren't the JW's a high-church cult themselves? The lay-JW must accept uncritically what the magisterium in Brooklyn says.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses share exactly these same qualities with the Roman Catholic Church"

  2. My Facebook habits are beginning to bleed out into the rest of the internet. I had an impulse to look for the "like" button on Viisaus' comment.

  3. Good point. The LDS church does deny sola scriptura, and it has a high view of its own ecclesiastical authority. Like the Catholic Church however, this has led to contradictions in doctrine (and in both cases, the LDS church claimed revelation from God).

    Viisaus, good point regarding JWs.
