
Monday, July 13, 2009

Michael Medved Is Wrong About Polygamy

I just heard Michael Medved say, on his radio program, that the Bible is "at best undecided" on polygamy, if not in favor of it. He argued against a caller who said that the Bible condemns polygamy, and the caller wasn't particularly effective in responding.

As I type this, he's citing Augustine on the subject, suggesting that he didn't have as negative a view of polygamy as Christians do today. He isn't saying anything about the earlier fathers who condemned polygamy.

Medved is mistaken. I'm going to be sending him an email, which I don't know that he'll ever see, but those interested in reading more on the subject may be interested in the thread here.


  1. It seems clear to me that OT polygamy was a temporary concession on God's part. Also, that the NT presents monogamy as (at least) ideal. But wouldn't you agree that if a pagan polygamist was later converted to Christianity, that the man should not seek to let go of all but one of his wives? Rather, that he should fulfill his husbandly duties to his additional wives (financially, sexually, etc.) as well as his fatherly duties toward the children produced through those additional wives ("additional" in the sense of those wives after the first)? And obviously, as a new Christian under the New Covenant, he shouldn't seek to aquire more wives. That is, unless and until all of his current wives die (obviously by natural causes).

    Jason, what's your view on divorce? Would you agree with John Piper's view of divorce?

  2. I heard the same show and was feeling very frustrated. Michael usually knows his stuff better than that.

    I'm glad you are sending an email. Hopefully he will get it.

  3. Annoyed Pinnoy,

    I don't know much about polygamist conversions, divorce, or John Piper's position on divorce. I have some familiarity with all three issues. But I've seen credible sources take contradictory positions, and I haven't followed those controversies in depth.

    Regarding polygamy, I think the evidence is stronger than you suggest. You might want to read the article I linked.

  4. Carrie wrote:

    "I heard the same show and was feeling very frustrated. Michael usually knows his stuff better than that. I'm glad you are sending an email. Hopefully he will get it."

    Yes, he's usually better. I sent an email to him in the past, regarding the origin of December 25 as the date for celebrating Christmas (after he discussed the topic on his radio program), and I never received a response of any kind. I don't know how much email they get. They may not even read all of it. He has a small staff.

  5. Jason,

    I hope he answers you. Medved is usually better than this, but he too has gaps in his reasoning, etc. due to bias.

  6. You could try calling in on open line Friday and discussing the topic. It can take some redialing but I have made it on before.
