
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Making peace with the matrix

There are people who fritter away their lives on grand conspiracy theories. There’s a certain irony in this exercise. What’s the point?

If the powers-that-be are that all-powerful, then it’s futile to expose their nefarious schemes. If you really had the goods on them, they would arrange for you to suffer a freak “accident” or simply disappear without a trace.

That’s what happens to seditious whistleblowers, is it not? Isn’t that an integral part of the conspiracy theory itself? The lone gov’t employee is leaking classified info to the lone investigative reporter. They almost expose the bad guys, but the bad guys intercept them before they can reveal the diabolical plot.

They never had a chance. Their every move was monitored. A trap.

The very fact that the evil powers-that-be permit conspiracy theorists to spin their conspiracy theories just goes to show that our devoted conspiracy theorists pose no threat to the evil, all-powerful establishment.

So why bother? If the cover-up is really as big and bad as you say it is, then it’s a waste of time to fritter away your life exposing the awful truth. If you ever got close enough to the truth to do damage, they would get to you. Either buy you off or do you in. Isn’t that what happens to dangerous informants? Isn’t that a fixture of the conspiracy theory itself?

It seems that conspiracy buffs don’t take their own theories all that seriously. For if they did, wouldn’t they know how hopeless their efforts are?


  1. "If the powers-that-be are that all-powerful..."

    That's a mighty big "IF".

    That's where the conspiracy theorist merely scales back down the magnitude a bit so that s/he can still proceed forward.

    Anyways, I'd still like to know what classified material Sandy Burglar stole.

    Any ideas? Anyone?

  2. Of course, the Illuminati made Steve post this in order to keep the populace complacent. With the help of aliens, that is.
