
Monday, October 06, 2008


Two reviews of Religulous: here and here.


  1. I noticed how you linked 2 reviews of negative overviews of the film.How about a positive one.

    Try as you may,but religion is on it's way out.The true thinkers are what this world really needs.Except it people,you get one chance on earth,then you die.Get over it already!

  2. brandonio said:
    I noticed how you linked 2 reviews of negative overviews of the film.How about a positive one.

    We deal with reality here.

    You can "except" it or not, but a true thinker has substance, not a "get over it already" attitude.

    Don't worry. When you get over your delusion, Christianity will still be here.

  3. Brandonio,

    That you would think his film offers any *serious* "positive" value for atheologetics automatically dismisses you as a candidate for dialogue.

    Btw, can you link to where you went into anti-religious blogs and commented that they should provide negative reviews on Religulous, or positive reviews on Expelled? No? Didn't think so.

    Oh, and I've already dealt with atheist eschatological claims to victory. See here:

    Village atheists like yourself have been pronouncing that "religion is dead" for hundreds of years.

    So go bother another blog with your re-heated anti-religious meatloaf. The 1700's are calling, they want their angry village atheist rants back.

  4. For that matter, Paul, makes you kinda wonder why Brandonio didn't provide a link to one of those glowing reviews of Maher either....

    Could be because even the atheists know this movie is worthless.

  5. Peter Pike said...
    For that matter, Paul, makes you kinda wonder why Brandonio didn't provide a link to one of those glowing reviews of Maher either....

    Could be because even the atheists know this movie is worthless.

    10/06/2008 3:59 PM

    Well, these atheists in the meta over at DI certainly seem to think so. :-)

  6. Maher doesn't seem to do much in the way of moderated debate. Wonder why that might be, hey?

  7. If anyone has the clout to set it up, I'd be happy to engage Maher in a public, moderated debate.

  8. They'd probably want a name like Doug Wilson, though. Someone who has a name and a rep. for dealing with the New Atheists.
