
Monday, September 01, 2008

Stay-at-home moms and special-needs kids

One of the criticisms of Sarah Palin currently making the rounds is that she should be a stay-at-home mom, caring for her special-needs child, instead of being a career woman.

But what are the special needs of a child with Down syndrome? As an illustration, consider the range of services provided by The Center for Down Syndrome at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital:

• Clinical geneticists
• Genetic counselors
• Child development specialists
• Social workers
• Physical therapists
• Occupational therapists

Now ask yourself, in which type of setting is Trig most likely to receive the best care available:

1. In the care of a stay-at-home mom, on a single income, in the Alaskan Bush?

2. In the care of parents, one of whom is a Governor, Vice President, or President?

Does anyone doubt that if Sarah Palin becomes the next Vice President, her family (including Trig) will have access to world class medical care?


  1. I didn't know much about Sarah Palin until she was picked. Fortunately I've found a website that has collected a lot of information about her into one place.

  2. So much compassion for Trig, from the party that legalizes the sucking-out of his brains.

  3. I do not think that this is a very good argument. She has a husband who could presumably get insurance and access to 'world-class' insurance. It's not like they were scratching around for grubs in the Alaskan bush until Mrs. Palin decided to run for governor.

    Maybe all of us men who are working to support our stay at home moms and kids should send them out now to run for public office for insurance!

  4. Brad,

    You miss the point. Was I offering my personal opinion on whether or not a stay-at-home mom could do a better job of caring for a child with Down syndrome? No.

    I was answering Palin’s liberal critics on their own grounds. I find it puzzling that so many people fail to grasp what it means to answer an opponent on his own grounds.

    Having great health insurance doesn’t mean you have access to great health care. That still depends on where you live. Many Alaskan villages are quite remote from major medical facilities. I could say more, but presumably you get the point now.
