
Monday, August 11, 2008

Biblical Evidence for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

As you know, I've been on summer vacation for a few months, to mark my official return to the Blogosphere this week, I've decided to follow up our recent posts on Roman Cathlolicism with a few of my own, dedicated in sum to Dave Armstrong in particular.

The first of these is titled Biblical Evidence for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. The feast for which is on August 15. Enjoy the hor'dourves.

Get it?


  1. For a discussion of the Biblical and patristic data, see here and here.

  2. I don't get it. Why did you put it all in white type?


    BTW, it's "hors d'oeuvres". (From a snooty French major...)

    Gene, welcome back. Your contributions are always a pleasure.

  3. Welcome back!!!

    Of course, we've still enjoyed your insight at Beggars All & TF's.

    I didn't get this until I read Rhology's comment.
