
Monday, February 25, 2008

"Recovering Republican"


“Bible-believing Christian site; please visit, comment.”

Hi John,

You asked me to comment on your website. Very well.

1.To begin with, I don’t quite know what it means to be a “recovering Republican.” That suggests disillusionment with the GOP.

For my part, I was never under any illusions about the GOP. A political party is just a means to an end. A tool. Not an end in itself. Not a golden-age ideal.

The GOP is very flawed, but that’s because it’s just a bunch of people.

2.Glancing at your website, it seems to be a libertarian website with a Christian veneer. I agree with some of your limited gov’t domestic policies.

3.Unfortunately, the good parts of your website are poisoned by lots of virulent stuff that envenomates anything worthwhile you might have to say. Just looking at two of your current articles, the one on the American military could have been written by Chomsky or Gore Vidal or Ramsey Clark, while the article which discusses Israel could have been written by Bin Laden or Hamas. For example:

Are bombing, maiming, destroying property, killing, and genocide compatible with biblical Christianity? Patrick Henry College apparently thinks so. The war in Iraq is all of the above, yet this Christian college not only offers Army ROTC, it also offers its students as cannon fodder to the U.S. military.

A culture shaped by the military is not compatible with timeless biblical values. A culture shaped by today’s military does not exhibit fidelity to the spirit of the American Founding. One cannot serve God and mankind in the military. However, in the military one can certainly disobey God and kill mankind.

I don’t know what kind of Christianity they follow at Patrick Henry College, but speaking as a conservative, Bible-believing Christian, I want no part of it.

Why on earth would a Christian young person even think about joining the military? Some want to join for the enlistment bonuses, others for the generous benefits, others for the tuition assistance, others for the career training, and others for the world travel. Some no doubt believe that they would be defending our freedoms and keeping us safe from terrorist attacks. Some probably think that the military will instill discipline, toughen them up, and make them a man. Some have the purely spiritual motive of sharing the love of Christ or being a Christian example to their fellow soldiers. Some would simply be following in the footsteps of their father, brother, or friend.

That something is the terrible truth about the U.S. military. The military is a force for evil in the world. The military spreads democracy by bombs, bayonets, and bullets. The military enforces a belligerent U.S. foreign policy. The military is the world’s unwanted and unloved policeman. The military garrisons the planet with troops and bases. The military is responsible for the network of brothels around the world to service U.S. troops who have no business being away from home. The military accounts for one third of all federal spending. The military accounts for over one half of total world military spending. The military increases terrorism by its foreign occupations.

The greatest danger to American life, liberty, and property is not the leaders or the military of Iran, China, Russia, or Venezuela: It is the government of the United States.

If they really want to honor Christ and the Bible, Christian colleges should discontinue all ROTC programs, ban military recruiters from all their campuses, and discourage their young people from enlisting in the military. It is bad enough when atheists, agnostics, pagans, and the irreligious join the military, but it is an indelible blot on Christianity when Christians do the same.

There is nothing brutal about the US/NATO bombing of Serbia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, or the Israeli bombing of Lebanon, or the Israeli ethnic cleansing of the West Bank, or the genocide Israel hopes to commit against Palestinians in Gaza.
All of this, as well as America’s bombing of Somalia, America’s torture dungeons, show trials of “detainees,” and overthrow of elected governments and installation of puppet rulers, is the West’s necessary response to keep the brutal world at bay.

Meanwhile, the United States, the great moral light unto the world, has just prevented the United Nations from censuring Israel, the world’s other great moral light, for cutting off food supplies, medical supplies, and electric power to Gaza. You see, Gaza is in the outside world and is a home of the bad guys. Moreover, the wicked Palestinians there tricked the US when the US allowed them to hold a free election. Instead of electing the US candidate, the wicked voters elected a government that would represent them. The US and Israel overturned the Palestinian election in the West Bank, but those in Gaza clung to the government that they had elected. Now they are going to suffer and die until they elect the government that the US and Israel wants. I mean, how can we expect people in the brutal world to know what’s best for them?

The fact that the UN tried to stop Israel’s just punishment of the Gazans shows how right the five leaders’ report is about the UN being a threat to Western values and way of life. The UN is really against us. This puts the UN in the outside world and makes it a candidate for being nuked if not an outright terrorist organization. As our president said, “you are with us or against us.”

The US and Israel need a puppet government in Palestine so that a ghettoized remnant of Palestine can be turned into a “two state solution.” The two states will be Israel incorporating the stolen West Bank and a Palestinian ghetto without an economy, water, or contiguous borders.

I won’t take the time right now to assign the sentiments of you or your contributors to the corresponding circle of hell, but when I get around to updating Dante, I’ll be sure to keep you in mind.

1 comment:

  1. 3.Unfortunately, the good parts of your website are poisoned by lots of virulent stuff that envenomates anything worthwhile you might have to say. Just looking at two of your current articles, the one on the American military could have been written by Chomsky or Gore Vidal or Ramsey Clark, while the article which discusses Israel could have been written by Bin Laden or Hamas…..I won’t take the time right now to assign the sentiments of you or your contributors to the corresponding circle of hell, but when I get around to updating Dante, I’ll be sure to keep you in mind.

    COMMENT: Thanks for the reply which I did ask for. Truth is truth even if it is said by Chomsky, Vidal or Clark and, obviously, bin Laden & Hamas are not wrong about everything, as you want us to believe. Your form of argumentation is extremely weak and begs questions instead of answering them. As to Dante’s Hell, well, it doesn’t exist. You do not appear to be a Christian. No Christian can support the carnage you attempt to justify – and, of course, you made no attempt to Biblically justify the carnage you defend.
