
Monday, June 18, 2007

Beginner's Guide to Biblical Theology

As promised, here's the list on the very important genre of Biblical Theology (constructing a theology of the whole Bible):

Places to Begin:

According to Plan by Graeme Goldsworthy
God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts
The Message of the Old Testament: Promises Made by Mark Dever
The Message of the New Testament: Promises Kept by Mark Dever

A Little Deeper:

Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos - highly recommended!
Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation by Geerhardus Vos
The Goldsworthy Trilogy by Graeme Goldsworthy
Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture by Graeme Goldsworthy
Preaching Christ in All of Scripture by Edmund Clowney
The Unfolding Mystery by Edmund Clowney
God of Promise by Michael Horton
Christ of the Covenants by O. Palmer Robertson
Christ of the Prophets by O. Palmer Robertson
The Israel of God by O. Palmer Robertson


Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics by Graeme Goldsworthy
A History of the Work of Redemption by Jonathan Edwards
The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses by Vern Poythress
Last Things First by JV Fesko
The Lamb of God: The Bible's Unfolding Revelation of Sacrifice by Robert Reymond
Understanding the Land of the Bible by O. Palmer Robertson


Introduction to the Old Testament by Tremper Longman & Raymond Dillard
The Eschatology of the Old Testament by Geerhardus Vos
Introduction to the New Testament by DA Carson and Douglas Moo
A Theology of the New Testament by George Eldon Ladd
When the Time had Fully Come by Herman Ridderbos
Jesus the Messiah by Robert Stein
The Teaching of Jesus by Geerhardus Vos
Contagious Holiness by Craig Blomberg
Studying the Synoptic Gospels by Robert Stein
Paul, an Apostle of God's Glory in Christ by Thomas Schreiner
Interpreting the Pauline Epistles by Thomas Schreiner
The Pauline Eschatology by Geerhardus Vos

...and many more could be added! Feel free to recommend your own list.


  1. Would you say any one of these in particular goes into detail over the distinction between the moral and ceremonial laws? That been an interest as of late.

  2. Mathetes:

    The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses by Vern Poythress goes into great detail (particularly the second half of the book) of continuity, discontinuity, and fulfilmment of the law, addressing recent issues of theonomy and what can be gleaned from it without assuming a simplistic understanding of the law.

  3. Goldsworthy... good old Aussie ;)

  4. Know what would be a helpful list? A list of quality books on the subject of psychology/counseling.

    I've heard Powlison's recent material is very good. And Steve has mentioned Jay Adams in the past. But what about a more complete list?

  5. Hi Triablogue

    I request a list over philosophy/epistemology.

    Please, please let us in on how to became so good at refuting the philosophy of unbelief!

    Both lay-atheism as well as professional unbelief.

  6. I'll post a list on Biblical counseling and a list on Epistemology soon.
