
Saturday, February 17, 2007

An Introduction

People who read the comments on the various posts here will probably already know this, but since certain people are enaged in a crusade against comments I thought it would be helpful to give a brief introduction to who I am here.

My name is Peter Pike. I am now a T-Blogger.

You probably know me better as CalvinDude. While some have thought there might be a kind of conspiracy as to why I post as CalvinDude instead of my given name, the reality is that I don't mind if people know my real name. In fact, it's always been on my website. CalvinDude was simply my chat-handle, and since most people who I originally spoke with on-line knew my chat handle, it made for an easy website name.

In any case, since everyone else who posts here uses their actual name, I shall do so too for consistency. (Hey, some of the atheists may be glad they finally got rid of "CalvinDude"!) :-)

Now, what about me? I am simply an almost 29-year-old man who lives in Colorado. I'm currently taking a few classes, but I never really stop learning. Even when I'm not in an official class, I read just about anything I can get my hands on. My interests are wide, ranging from theology and philosophy to number theory and quantum mechanics. My main passion is writing, both fictional works as well as works designed to communicate what I believe.

I work for a Christian non-profit organization, but I neither speak officially for them nor should anyone take my views as representative of their views.

I am a Presbyterian (PCA) and hold to the Westminster Standards. Soteriologically, I am a Calvinist. Eschatologically, I am a partial-preterist. Most already know that I am a Presuppositionalist in my apologetics, but I do not deny the usefulness of other approaches to shore-up the faith of believers (as well as to put a stone in the shoe of unbelievers). I am covenantal, not dispensational.

I look forward to contributing more to Triablogue, and thank Steve for inviting me aboard :-)


  1. If you want any tips on learning how to drive, let me know!

  2. Well, speaking for myself, I'm a little bit disappointed. I mean, I was really, really, *really* hoping for Peter Parker... but I guess Peter Pike will have to do. Sigh.

    Just kidding, Peter. ;-)

    Seriously, though, it's a true boon for T-blog to have acquired CalvinDude -- not the least of which is because his intelligence is as sharp as a battle-ready pike! :-)

  3. anonymous said:
    If you want any tips on learning how to drive, let me know!

    Just because I never got a license does not mean I don't know how to drive :-) I did get my permit, once upon a time.

    But pedestrians and mail boxes were quite relieved when that expired... :-D

  4. WElcome CalvinDude!
    I could never leave comment on your wordpress...
    HOpe to see you blog here as well as over there too!

  5. "not the least of which is because his intelligence is as sharp as a battle-ready pike! :-) "

    But Patrick! *Nothing* could possibly be as sharp as a battle-ready pike!

  6. I have lost even more respect for this site now. Pike is a moron.

  7. Anon,

    At least this site still accepts comments from people who don't like it, anonymous or not, unlike at least one of the posters at Debunking Christianity.

  8. If you are in fact a Triabloguer, as you claim, then surely I would see your name in the corner. But I don't. The conclusion should be obvious:

    (1) If Peter were a T-Blogger, then his name would appear in the corner.
    (2) His name does not appear in the corner.
    (3) Therefore, Peter is not a T-Blogger.

    If you're not a T-Blogger (as I have proven), yet you're claiming to be one, then you must be an imposter. And this gives us another proof:

    (1) No Calvinists are imposters.
    (2) Peter is an imposter.
    (3) Therefore, Peter is not a Calvinist.

    Since you're not a Calvinist, we have further proof that you are not a T-Blogger.

    Who are you? Are you John Loftus trying to confuse us?

  9. Anonymous said:
    Pike is a moron.

    David Wood said:
    Are you John Loftus trying to confuse us?

    I'm amazed you guys came to the same conclusion!

    I think David IS anonymous! :-o

    [insert scary music]

  10. Looks like the mafia pay-offs and kick-backs worked. I made Steve an offer he couldn't refuse and he brought another partial-preterist on board!

    Welcome Peter.


  11. Peter,

    That was a clever response, which means that you're definitely not John Loftus in disguise. Of course, it also means you can't be Steve Carr, or Richard Carrier, or the Rashunul Responz Skwod, or most of the people who write for the Internet Infidels.

    I'm slowly eliminating the candidates, In the meantime, I'm watching you.

  12. Well, well, Peter, you really have me to thank, ya know. The truth is, anyone who annoys me is usually invited on Triablogue. Ever since I've been blogging two people have been invited here who have both annoyed me, you and Manata.

    Congratulations. Now you'll be writing for a blog that gets over 600 hits a day, versus your own blog which barely got two hits a week! I'll probably stay away more often, since it's becoming too frustrating for me to bang my head up against the wall of stupidity here.

    Hear Ye! Hear Ye! In the future if anyone wants to be a blog member at Triablogue irritate me to the point I call you and Idiotdude. That'll get Steve's attention and he'll be inclined to invite you on.


  13. John W. Loftus said:
    Well, well, Peter, you really have me to thank, ya know. The truth is, anyone who annoys me is usually invited on Triablogue. Ever since I've been blogging two people have been invited here who have both annoyed me, you and Manata.

    Congratulations. Now you'll be writing for a blog that gets over 600 hits a day.


    More in the neighborhood of triple that figure, give or take.

  14. Ah, thanks for being so concerned over my number of hits, Loftus. I'm always glad to know someone is more concerned about them than I am.

  15. Listen up, CalvinDork, I'm going to focus all of my diabolical powers on destroying your "faith". Becoming a T-booger is no bed of roses, you'll have me to contend with. You're goin' down, junior.......

  16. Steve,

    I've annoyed Loftus a few times, can I be a T-blogger? Besides, you guys need some Latin flavor around here anyway.


    Congrats, I'm sure you'll do well. You've already gotten the "anonymous" angry teenagers stirred up. Could a better start be hoped for?

  17. You know...we used to chat all the time then you went away to some T-training camp or something. You come back and your a big boy now.

    C'mon, CD!

    Oh, can we still chat?

