
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Will to Disbelieve

The Will to Disbelieve: a Critical Review of the Loftus-Wood Debate by David Wood.


  1. John W. Loftus said...
    His review is the last word on the subject, until you actually see the debate itself. Until you watch it you will not understand the force of my arguments. I believe the force of my arguments, which are not given in our reviews of the debate, have made him decide to do his dissertation on this problem. It's a troubling issue to him, and rightfully so.


    You have a highly exaggerated sense of your own importance. The argument from evil has been around for a long time. Various formulations have been around for a long time.

    It's not as if you have some stunning new version to offer the world.

    On the one hand, you have never stepped up to the plate when it comes to defending secular ethics.

    On the other hand, you wimped out of a debate over the problem of evil with a Calvinist.

    So you are unable to press your case on either internal or external grounds.

  2. You tell him, Steve!!!

    You should really show him who the real man is, and write another 12 blog articles tonight!!!!

    BOO YEAH!!!

  3. John,
    Where you supposed to debate Robert that who Steve his referring to?

    I thought I heard Morey mention this on one of his programs.
