
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Good News Of Great Joy

"The joy which this first gospel preacher spoke of was no mean one, for he said, 'I bring you good tidings' [Luke 2:10] —that alone were joy: and not good tidings of joy only, but 'good tidings of great joy.' Every word is emphatic, as if to show that the gospel is above all things intended to promote, and will most abundantly create the greatest possible joy in the human heart wherever it is received. Man is like a harp unstrung, and the music of his soul's living strings is discordant, his whole nature wails with sorrow; but the son of David, that mighty harper, has come to restore the harmony of humanity, and where his gracious fingers move among the strings, the touch of the fingers of an incarnate God brings forth music sweet as that of the spheres, and melody rich as a seraph's canticle....We have already said it is a 'great joy'—'good tidings of great joy.' Earth's joy is small, her mirth is trivial, but heaven has sent us joy immeasurable, fit for immortal minds. Inasmuch as no note of time is appended, and no intimation is given that the message will ever be reversed, we may say that it is a lasting joy, a joy which will ring all down the ages, the echoes of which shall be heard until the trumpet brings the resurrection; aye, and onward for ever and for ever....O blessed thought! the Star of Bethlehem shall never set. Jesus, the fairest among ten thousand, the most lovely among the beautiful, is a joy for ever." (Charles Spurgeon)


  1. :::YAWN!!!!:::

  2. HA! Good one, Ken!

    Too bad God caused that heart to be hardened, isn't it?

  3. thanks for the spelling tip, Ken.

    How did the heart 'start out' stony? Did it happen outside of God's provident Hand? Did something come to pass that God didn't ordain?

  4. Pharoh said:
    HA! Good one, Ken!

    Too bad God caused that heart to be hardened, isn't it?


    Too bad for whom? Bad for Pharaoh, but good for the slaves!

  5. :::YAWN!!!:::

    More Calvinistic shell game tactics. Weak.

  6. Anon,

    So bored, yet always back for more. Like a moth to a flame. (Can't wait for all the predictable inferences from that phrase.)

  7. Another pagan God-hater who wants to blame his condemnation on God instead of taking responsibility for his own sin. And yet, he want's to read a Calvinist blog--strange

  8. Those freakin' pagans...always screwing up posts about Christmas.

    I tell ya...its enough to make me want to go all "Calvin" on them, if you know what I mean.

  9. There is no rest for the wicked.
