
Monday, August 07, 2006

Hubris or Cowardice at the Flyswatter?

Will the hosts of the Charles N' Bob sideshow known as "The Calvinist Flyswatter" call or not? Come on, I thought you two he-men said that Dr. White was afraid to face you out in the open. Do you not call because you're too proud or is it because you are too afraid. Come now, gentlemen, I thought you had the goods on White, the Founders, and the rest. Ah well, cowardice is a cowardice does.

You know the number. The time for the DL today is Tuesday Afternoon at 11:00 am MST. See you there?


  1. Is it possible that...they don't know? Maybe they don't read this blog perhaps. Has anyone emailed them instead?

  2. They do know. Apparently they'll only interact with White on their terms. That way they can call him a coward.
