
Monday, August 28, 2006

Conference On the Holy Trinity

What single doctrine underwrites the following doctrines and practices in a direct or indirect way?

Theology Proper (The Doctrine of God)
Anthropology (The Doctrine of Man)
Soteriology (The Doctrine of Salvation)
The Family/Marriage
Church Order
Biblical Hermeneutics

If you answer “The Trinity” you scored 100 %

Follow up questions: Do you know why this is the case? Are you a consistent Trinitarian?

Philip Schaff viewed church history as the history of the growth of an organic entity. In its infancy and toddlerhood, God taught the church some fundamental, bedrock truths about who He is, based on the content of His Scriptures. That included the doctrine of the Trinity. These concepts were passed down for over 1500 years, and they were further ensconced in Christendom such that to be an anti-Trinitarian was a worse heresy than being a Protestant, during the time of the Reformation. In addition, these concepts involved them thinking a great deal about concepts like “personhood;” thus what it means to be a person passed into our culture and remained with us. What you think about “personhood” as a concept affects the way you view your fellow man. Thus affects Christian Ethics in such matters as marriage and family, abortion, and homosexuality. It also has an effect on the way you view the lost.

When was the last time you heard a sermon series or series of Sunday School lessons teaching the doctrine of the Trinity? It seems we take it for granted that people believe this. I fear we’re losing this doctrine in the church. Ask folks if they know T.D. Jakes is a modalist. If they say “Yes,” ask them if they think this matters. Many say, “Yes,” but don’t know why. Many say, “No,” and don’t care. As this doctrine goes in the church, so it goes in society. Why do you think we’re struggling with divorce and homosexuality and other such issues today? You guessed it… I’ll be posting more on these ideas in the near future, but until then…

Grace Bible Church in Brandon, FL has put together a conference On the Holy Trinity for October. See details there and at the Founders blog. The speakers included Phil Johnson and Robert Reymond.


  1. Gene,

    Please hasten those posts you spoke of doing in the near future...

  2. What theological arrogance leads one to believe that some inane theological doctrine that 3 gods are really one god, is responsible for:

    All theology
    The Family/Marriage
    Church Order

    If you answer “Christian Trinitarian Arrogance” you scored 100 %

    Congratulations! As a prize, you get to burn the Jew or non-trinitarian of your choice!

  3. Wow, anonymous #1 why the hostility?

  4. The only Jew-burning nowadays is happening at the hands of unitarian Muslims supported by the secular left.

  5. I am increasingly intrigued by the sheer level of hostility which some atheists manifest towards Christianity.

    I'm drawn to wonder whether it is such persons who possess the perseuting temper.

    Additionally, when someone yells 'arrogance' while referring to 'inane doctrine' and tosses around casual accusations of anti-Semitism I tend to wonder who the arrogant one is.


  6. I am increasingly intrigued by the sheer level of hostility which some atheists manifest towards Christianity.

    Who said I was an atheist?

    And who said some blogging nitwit who claims the doctrine of the trinity is responsible for all of human culture, family, marraige and every sunny day is "Christianity".

    Get a grip you bombastic blowhard.

    I'm drawn to wonder whether it is such persons who possess the perseuting temper.

    I'm drawn to wonder if you ever speak in anything but precocious hyperbole?

    Additionally, when someone yells 'arrogance' while referring to 'inane doctrine' and tosses around casual accusations of anti-Semitism I tend to wonder who the arrogant one is.

    Here's some facts nitwit:

    Fact 1.
    Diverse human cultures that included sophisticated theologies, marraige, strong family bonds, and well ordered religious institutions, existed long before and long after the inane Christian theologian concept of 3 gods really are one god, because we want to be monotheists but it seems we have 3 gods.

    Fact 2.
    Luther and Calvin and their Protestant cults despised and persecuted Jews, and they also persecuted and executed people who didn't agree with their specific doctrine of the trinity.

    So spare me your hilarious whining that someone posting in the com box of some cult of Calvin blog site is in someway hostile or persecuting you.

  7. Sounds hostile to me...

    Could you elaborate on point #1 with some specifics?

    Who did Luther execute?

    Just wondering, those assertions sounded strange to me..........thanks

  8. I rest my case. Hostile is clearly the word.

    No, you're not persecuting me, so don't flatter yourself. Insulting, yes, persecuting, no. And insults I can cope with.

    I whine not, anon, merely observe what is before my eyes. And your hostility index is up there with the birds.

  9. Oh, and and I've ceased wondering who the arrogant one is.
