
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Do you have a serious question for us?


Do you Have a Serious Question for us?

If any Christian has a serious question about Christianity they would like our feedback on, then click on my name (in the contributor side bar) and e-mail it to me like was done here. I'll only post serious questions for debate/discussion. I may even get one of our Team Members here who has some time and specialty to deal with it. Or you can post it as a comment below.

posted by John W. Loftus @ 7:48 AM


Oh, and while we're at it, if any junkie has a serious question about substance abuse, we’ll refer you to a drug dealer who’d be more than happy to offer you disinterested advice on the dangers of addiction.


  1. Outstanding! I'll laugh at this one for days. Thanks!

  2. John,

    I do. How many angles can dance on the head of a pin?

    And, next week can you tell us where Moses' body was burried?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Paul, is that obtuse or acute angles?

  4. Speaking of questions, what do you make of this question (Steve, Paul, Gene, Evan, et al):

    “Jesus did not come to make us Christian, he came to make us fully human.” -Hans Rookmaaker

    I sense it's just one of those empty statements liberals often make, but I'd be interested in the biblical take of the Triablogue crew.

  5. sk:

    The statement is terribly man-centered, as we would surely find humanism to be. Humanity is made the epitome of morality: that being human was Christ's goal for us. But Adam was fully human, but fell into sin and depravity. What Adam needed was not to be more human. What he needed was the Gospel.

    Humans cannot save themselves, so being more human doesn't answer the problem. Biblically, of course, we must recognize that such a statement altogether fails to address the problems of sin, the holiness of God, the inflexible requirements of the law, etc, and so it naturally fails to lead into the supremacy of Christ and the Gospel that saves sinners on the basis of the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ that is received by grace through faith.
