
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

What if we tried a real quarantine


  1. Laying out my thoughts...politicians have little foresight with regard to their actions, save election years. Its always a ploy to get re elected. Its not surprising that they do not see the writing on the wall; tearing up the constitution.
    Right now, I believe politicians are catering to elderly voters to make them 'feel safe' via lockdown because 1. The elderly always vote in higher rates. 2. They typically have a fixed income.
    Thus, why should politicians care about those currently working? Its part of a constituency that doesn't seem to matter much vote wise.
    While not a fool proof theory, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if many thought this way.

    1. When I say currently working, I could have phrased it better to me "those of working age and out of work."
