
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Sifting non-Christian miracle claims

In this post:

apostate Randal Rauser makes some good general points. However, I disagree with him on one or two issues:

i) I think the reported miracles of Sathya Sai Baba lack credibility, not because those claims are inconsistent with other things I believe about the world, but for the specific reason that there's evidence that he was a fraud:

ii) I don't think non-Christian miracles are inconsistent with the nature of reality. Indeed, Scripture acknowledges the power of witchcraft (e. g. Deut 13:1-5; Mt 24:24; Acts 16;16-18; 2 Thes 2:9; Rev 13:13-15).


  1. I am unfamiliar with Rauser, but a quick google search indicates that he is a Christian. Why do you call him an apostate?

    1. Because he thinks Jesus was a child of his times who unwittingly taught falsehood. For instance, that Jesus reaffirmed things about the OT which Rauser regards as erroneous. Rauser operates with a Kenotic Christology in that regard. Rauser used to be theologically conservative, but he's drifted to the point where he views Jesus as a false teacher. I'd classify that as textbook apostasy.
