
Friday, April 03, 2020

Respect begins at home

From a Facebook exchange with a Muslim apologist and another dude:

Bastard Israelis do the same and worse to Palestinians.

When Muslims stop brutalizing each other, maybe we will have something to say about how Israeli policing. Don't expect others to treat your own people better than you treat each other.

Let us at the same time not generalise as well.

It's not an isolated incident. Muslims who commit acid attacks in London. The rape culture. Honor killings. Women who are flogged and imprisoned if they refuse to wear a hijab. The cult of martyrdom of suicide bombers. Female genital mutilation. The list is long. So I'm unimpressed by Yusuf's selective outrage and moral blindness to the social pathologies of his own religious culture. Set your own house in order before pointing fingers at others.

Again it's not muslims. It's a couple of people who happen to be muslims. We need to be responsible. Let's not blame the entire group because of a few within that group.

It's about Muslims who take Muslim tradition seriously. Consistent Muslims. It's about the logical link between their theology and their behavior. These are not "abuses" but engrained in Islamic tradition.

this is the flagrant inconsistency in your position. There may be isolated incidents that you suggest.

But they're not isolated incidents. That's the point. You're in denial about that. This is endemic to the Muslim world. It's imported to non-Muslim countries by Muslim immigrants. It constantly repeats itself. Yes, other cultures have social pathologies, too. How does that obviate the same in Islam?

Go and deal with the misery and genocide that your race…

There is no American race. The USA isn't Iceland. The USA is racially and ethnically quite diverse.

there is the white race

Americans are hardly synonymous with the white race.

...and culture has caused on the whole of humanity.

Why not deal with the misery and genocide that Muslims have caused to African and Middle Eastern Christians?

and promote your own supremacist ideology.

Feel free to document my supremacist ideology. By contrast, Islam represents the epitome of a supremacist ideology:

In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force...It is (for them to choose between) conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death. Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah, chapter 3.31.

get lost if you cannot provide a decent argument

You're hardly the arbiter of decent argumentation. You're just a partisan propagandist.

you are a pathetic troll. It's funny you choose to come on my timeline like a stalker and blast your invective

No, you chose to post your attack on Israelis on someone else's timeline.

1 comment:

  1. Steve Hays obliterates Dr. James White buddy. Be ready for JW to do a DL defending Yusuf Ismail just the same way he did after Yusuf debated Usama Dakdok.
