
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Livestreaming church services the next target

In response to the pandemic, many churches have fallen back on livestreaming services as a substitute for public worship. But that window is closing, too.


  1. Irony of ironies! One might have well expected something like this in Moscow, Russia - but in Moscow, Idaho?

    "You can't preach that here." Thus saith our Silicon Valley Overlords.

  2. First they drive believers out of the public spaces and say, "keep it inside your local churches, please".

    Then they legislate Christianity out of public life and institutions by force of law claiming "separation of church and state".

    Then they close down the public gatherings of the churches in their own private spaces and say "it's for the public safety" and push sermons and churches to online virtual venues,

    Then the Tech Overlords take those online vitual venues away because they don't meet "community standards" (which is whatever they decide on a whim).

    So the churches are forced into Christian ghettos, then they come in with flame throwers and burn down the ghettos because they're a danger to public health and don't meet community standards! Nice trick!

    Perhaps the saddest part of all is that the broader professing church has bowed down and cooperated fully every step of the way.

    Dutifully building its own gallows.
