
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Virus factories

David Silverman
If you went to church yesterday, you should feel guilty. You didn't need to go - you should have stayed home and prayed, but instead you went to a crowd when you know it's a virus factory and could lead to people dying (because you could be a carrier). Think about that next week.

Home is a virus factory. If one family member gets sick, that usually infects other family members. Families are contagious. Is that a novel concept for Silverman? Or does he live alone?

A tavern is a virus factory. Why didn't he do a tweet on that?

If you went to the bar yesterday, you should feel guilty. You didn't need to go - you should have stayed home and gotten intoxicated by yourself, but instead you went to a crowd when you know it's a virus factory and could lead to people dying (because you could be a carrier). Think about that next week.

A gym is a virus factory. Why no tweet on that? Why single out churches? 

A supermarket is a virus factory. A drugstore is a virus factory. Bulk stores like Target, Costco, Walmart, and Fred Meyer are virus factories. Dollar stores and 7/11s are virus factories. Fastfood joints are virus factories. Passenger planes, with folks crammed in, breathing recirculated air, are virus factories. 

Suppose you're infected, so you stay home and order delivery pizza or delivery Chinese food? At least, that's what you were going to do until the governor/mayor ordered a mandatory lockdown on "nonessential businesses," so now you're out of luck. 

Church attendance is voluntary. Keeping churches open doesn't put a gun to your head. It doesn't force you to go. It simply gives you the freedom to do so. 

It's natural for an atheist like Silverman to view churches as nothing other than danger zones, but that's hardly a Christian outlook. Worship services save lives. Not just "salvation" in the spiritual sense, but saves many people from self-destructive or suicidal behavior. They need the fellowship. 

David Silverman
I look out my window at the normally busy but now empty street. The ice cream store is open, as is the take out seafood place. Nobody is there.

I've decided to go have some take-out seafood and ice cream for lunch. Gotta patronize.

But he might be an asymptomatic carrier. He might infect the waitress, cashier, or ice cream scooper. He didn't need to go, but he went there even though it could lead to employees dying. He should feel guilty. Will he think about that next week? 

1 comment:

  1. Rumors on facebook are that people who have family members in the government and law enforcement are leaking out it's likely that Martial Law will be declared within the week. If true it'll [IMO] actually make things worse because people will seriously freak out and start looting and acting lawlessly all the more. I think there are times when martial law might be necessary, but this isn't one of them. It'll just facilitate all the more the possibility of a tyrannical government as well as bring about in people resentment and fear of actual future tyranny. One can imagine anti-Trumpers interpreting it as Trump's way of preventing presidential elections in order to extend his presidency indefinitely.
