
Monday, March 09, 2020

Challies goes soft

Question is posed at 26:25.


  1. Really tired of this spineless response. There's nothing right about the homosexual movement, and everything (still) sinful about it. The attraction, desire, and action, all an abomination to God, and cultural/societal opinion doesn't change that one iota. Never will, never did.

    1. Correct. I don't understand why people keep saying that same-sex desire is not, itself, sinful. Well, actually, I *do* understand why they say it, but there's no logical reason for them to do so. The desire to commit sin is, itself, sinful. Is it as sinful as acting out on the desire? No. But it is out of the wellspring of the heart that our actions flow, and if the wellspring's intent is evil, our actions will invariably be evil as well.

      Not that this is just a problem with same-sex attraction. Any sinful desire is still sinful. If I desire to defraud someone, that exposes the evil intentions of my heart. If I desire to commit adultery, that exposes the evil intentions of my heart. If I even desire simply to puff myself up in the eyes of men, that too exposes the evil intentions of my heart.

      Only a fool would claim that the desire to do something evil comes from anything other than an already depraved heart. How could a good heart desire to do sinful behavior?

    2. Fully agree, this is pure peer and cultural pressure and Christians not having the courage to speak as Jesus does.

      No one would say it's ok if you're attracted to children as long as you don't act on it, because, well, you can't help who you're attracted to. Preston Sprinkle, and these other cheeseheads need to wake up (I'm surprised how many even "Reformed" theologians say this stuff). Dark times we live in, in spite of appearances.

  2. "Maybe I'm being deliberately evasive."

  3. I'm sure the apostle Paul would respond this way. "Not sure, the gay Christian thing is new."

  4. Let me just step up here and say it. I am gay. I am a Christian. Being gay is a sin by all accounts of Scripture. I pray daily for strength and repentence and I will not participate in the lifestyle and I avoid any activity that may feed into it. I'm sorry to all those who take offense but homosexuality is a sin. Period. Do I struggle with this daily? Of course I do. Is Christianity worth putting it aside? A resounding YES! The peace of God, the joy and forgiveness and the daily blessings of God are beyond my ability to express. I returned to Christianity 20 years ago and I have no doubt whatsoever that it was the right decision. Most of all, I am amazed, astounded, and daily in awe of God's mercy

    1. How about you simply identify as a Christian and not by your sin?

      Keep up the good fight of faith, brother!

  5. It is time for Western Christians to count the cost.
