
Sunday, February 02, 2020

Comparing marriages

Which marriage is more ethically questionable, in your view: 1. Pete Buttigieg's monogamous marriage to a man or 2. Donald Trump's marriage to his third wife during which he has had multiple sexual liaisons with other women and sexually assaulted other women?
i) Does Rauser know for a fact that Mayor Pete is not promiscuous? 

ii) Monogamy is no virtue within an intrinsically immoral relationship. Suppose a pederast only has one underage catamite. Does that make his pederasty ethical?

iii) More to the point, the real issue isn't who has the more ethical or less ethical marriage arrangement, but the policies of the candidates. The fact that Mayor Pete, considered in isolation, is homosexual, is not what qualifies him–or even his "marriage," considered in isolation, to another man. 

What disqualifies him is that these are not isolated biographical facts. It's not as if his homosexuality and corresponding lifestyle are neatly compartmentalized from his political views. To the contrary, he has a political ideology that directly corresponds to his perverted lifestyle. If elected, his policies would mirror his depraved life and worldview. 

iv) For whatever reason, by contrast, Trump has largely governed as conservative. 


  1. So, for Rauser, a "marriage" to one's sister in which one remained sexually "faithful" would be considered morally superior?

    At least Trump is actually married in the eyes of God (and according to virtually every tradition prior to this century). Pete Buttigieg is merely "living together" with his partner.

    1. I love to bring up the point that I can much better make a case for legalized, socially-accepted incest from the Bible, than advocates of homosexuality can!

  2. Homosexual "marriages" are fake marriages. To have a marriage you must have a husband and a wife. Only a man can be a husband and a woman a wife. Without these 2 in relationship with each other you don't have a marriage.

  3. I'm intentionally being pedantic. Even if it commits the etymological fallacy, I wouldn't call the relationship Buttigieg has as "monogamy" because the English word comes from the Greek words μονός, monos ("alone"), and γάμος, gamos ("marriage"). As a Christian I don't grant that their relationship is a genuine marriage. And therefore, it's not "monogamy". I'd call it exclusivity.
