
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Perhaps a Literal Mark of the Beast Is Not So Off-base?


  1. I tend to be a partial preterist, but as things go on I'm thinking there will an immediate and long-term fulfillment of many end-time prophecies.

  2. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know what the mark of the beast will be. A micro chip that will have all your bank accounts, passport, drivers licence in it.

    "Social accounting" being used now in China shows we are almost there.

  3. THEN: Don't give out your personal information, the government will use it to track you, wiretap you, frame you, and drag you down to hell when it implements the number of the beast!

    NOW: 5% cashback if I input three pages of my personal data into this app? (RAISING VOICE LOUDER) Alexa, plan me a route to the nearest place I can use this app to get my discount.
