
Friday, November 15, 2019

Theistic conceptual realism

Recently, Greg Welty debated Peter van Inwagen and William Lane Craig on abstract objects. That will be published in the Winter issue of Philosophia Christi. Here is Welty's title and abstract:

Title: “Do Divine Conceptualist Accounts Fail? A Response to Chapter 5 of God Over All”.

Abstract: "William Lane Craig’s God Over All argues against the kind of ‘divine conceptualism’ about abstract objects which I defend. In this conference presentation I note several points of agreement with and appreciation for Craig’s important work. I then turn to five points of critique and response pertaining to: the sovereignty-aseity intuition, the reality of false propositions, God’s having ‘inappropriate’ thoughts, propositions being purely private and incommunicable, and a consistent view of God’s own ontological commitments. I conclude by summarizing our two key differences, indicating that we may have much more in common than first appears (both theologically and metaphysically)."

In the final footnote, Welty mentions five more criticisms that weren't read out. 

In addition, Dr. Welty will be updating his arguments in Colin Ruloff (ed.), Contemporary Arguments in Natural Theology (Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming).


  1. Is the debate available?

    1. Not that I'm aware of, if you mean the roundtable discussion. I think only the formal presentations will be published.

    2. They did a similar debate a few years ago with J.T. Bridges that I attended. Here a link to the video there:

      It would be interesting to see if the arguments have improved since then.
