
Monday, November 25, 2019

"Pronoun hospitality"

i) Bracketing other issues, a basic problem with "pronoun hospitality" is that many trans feign gender dysphoria as a political wedge tactic. Consider drag queens at public libraries. They don't suffer from gender dysphoria. They are pedophiles using transgenderism as a ruse.

ii) Another example is biological male athletes feigning transgender identity to beat girls or women in female sports. They don't suffer from gender dysphoria. Rather, it's easier for male athletes to compete with female athletes. A calculated ploy. 

iii) Another problem with "pronoun hospitality" is that it dishonors real men and women. It's like comparing your mother to a drag queen.

iv) Another example is people like Elizabeth Warren and Ward Churchill who indulge in resume inflation to game the system. Does Christian hospitality require us to play along with their bogus minority status? That dishonors bona fide minorities.

v) Or what about political candidates and job applicants who lie about military service. Should they be accorded the same respect as actual servicemen?

vi) Shifting to people with genuine gender dysphoria, compare that to someone on an acid trip who believes he's invulnerable to harm because he's a superhero. If everyone plays along with his delusion, he will get himself killed.


  1. I work at a hotel that is hosting a conference of religious academics this past weekend and many are walking around with ribbons on their name tags stating what their personal pronoun is. Her/she it they/them.Sad.

  2. My main problem with it is at the societal level. To allow ourselves to embrace this practice, no matter how innocently, is effectively to capitulate to our adversaries in the culture war.

  3. So jd talked about "generosity of spirit" when addressing trans people. He said there's an example of this principle in scripture.

    Anyone know where that would be?

  4. I have been verbally told that today Greear is saying that he was "unclear" and has linked a much better article by someone named Walker (which I also haven't read) that is much better than what Greear actually said.

    Am I just an incurable cynic that this sounds to me like an attempt to whitewash his original comments due to backlash?
