
Monday, September 02, 2019

"Record" hurricanes

Global warming alarmists point to "record" hurricanes to demonstrate the reality and existential danger of global warming. A few observations:

i) We've only had the technology to clock hurricane speeds for what–a few decades? But haven't hurricanes been occuring since the last Ice age ended, about 12,000 years ago? Likewise, how far back do our records extend regarding the frequency and severity of Atlantic hurricanes? Our chronological sample is hardly representative.

ii) Suppose global warming is real, but a natural cyclical variation, like ice ages?

iii) Suppose the environmentalists were right and we ignored them at our peril. Now it's too late. We're doomed!

They will try to blame us, but even if they were right-or especially if they were right–they are to blame because they burned their credibility by resorting to hyperbolic warnings, manipulating and destroying data. Perhaps they think the threat is so great that it justified their mendacity: the noble lie. If so, the tactic backfired. If you use deception to make your case, and your deception is exposed, then you lose credibility. Like crying wolf, people tune you out so that even when it turns out to be true, no one believes you because your reputation as a liar preceded you. 


  1. It's also hard to believe because the proponents don't seem to believe it. Obama just bought a house. On a low island. Next to the water. But the oceans are rising at an alarming rate. He has millions and he could buy a house anywhere, and he buys it where the ocean is supposed to be in the next few years?

    1. As the Left's political Messiah, he'll be able to prevent the water from damaging his home as easily as Moses parted the Red/Reed Sea.

    2. And Al Gore long before him:
