
Monday, August 05, 2019

Woke Shooters

Just a couple of comments on the recent shooters.

i. This stresses the importance for law-abiding citizens to carry to protect themselves, families, and others.

ii. The El Paso Shooter's manifesto shows he subscribed to Democratic narratives (e.g. radical environmentalism, anti-corporate, zero-population-growth). He also carries the Democratic heritage of racism, in this case against Hispanics. The Ohio shooter was woke himself, a pro-Satanist leftist, hater of law enforcement, and a supporter of communist Elizabeth Warren, as it is being revealed.

iii. Those who blame "mental illness" are giving the shooters too much credit as it excuses their real impetus: evil.


  1. I was listening to Al Mohler this morning and his go to narrative is the guy was mentally ill. I read his manifesto and didn’t think it had the sound of mental illness at all. Just someone influenced by the identitarianism of someone like Richard Spencer.

  2. It goes without saying that the ideology stemming from those recesses of the Internet is evil.
