
Friday, August 09, 2019

Men of our times

Some loosely (and I mean loosely) connected musings, somewhat sporadic, and likely poorly formulated, nothing more:

It's interesting how much "men of their times" some or many atheists and secularists are. They act like they're the first ones to have ever thought of an objection to Christianity. As if no one has ever responded to their objections. Such as that the Bible is corrupt. That Jesus is myth or legend. That Paul is the real founder of Christianity. That miracles don't happen. That religion is superstition. That science has banished religion. And so on and so forth.

Of course, we're all "men of our times" to some degree. But not all remain "men of our times". Many realize how limited knowledge in our day and age can be. Many realize how wise our forbearers were. We mine their wisdom and insight in light of ours.

Perhaps we might seek wisdom from our heirs as well. However (short of time travel or the verboten) we can't, of our own volition, speak with them. Perhaps that's one reason why God has given us prophecies. At least we know God triumphs in the end. God is victorious along with all that is good, true, wise, beautiful.

That may likewise be a difference between conservatives and progressives. Conservatives seek to conserve and preserve what's most valuable from the past while forging ahead into the future. Progressives solely seek the advance, for the sake of advance, not merely neglecting their supply lines, but actively destroying them. Like Kylo Ren: "Let the past die! Kill it, if you have to."

Many atheists and secularists act like what's most important is what's in their lifetimes. That's very narrow-minded. After all, if we only value knowledge and experience from a 50 year window, give or take, then we're ignoring thousands of years of human history. It's existentially constricting to abide only and ever in the present. However, progressives are iconoclasts, and as such can't seek solace in the past, so perhaps that's why they break out into the future. It's their last hope and refuge. Utopia by any means necessary. At least their idea of utopia, which may be dystopia.

Indeed, it looks like a recipe for despair. A do-or-die mentality. Like Hernán Cortés burning his ships on his march toward Tenochtitlán. If progressives don't succeed, then there's nothing to go back to. Hence they simply must win at any and all costs. There's no strategic retreat to live to fight another day. If they lose, they have no home to return to. No golden shores to sail back to.

Of course, we are all "men of our times". Some of us stay that way, while others seek to know their times, but not be shackled to their times: "Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do..." (1 Chron 12:32).

1 comment:

  1. I have called this "Schrodinger's SJW" - "Nothing existed before I personally observed it."

    As one of the most common cases is where an SJW will celebrate a new film or videogame release while completely unaware of decades of past history.


    Related to that are cases where millenials 'invent' something that they simply never realized already existed:
