
Sunday, July 21, 2019

House of Wax

Here's a story that's getting lots of buzz, in the latest frontier in transgender rights:

As the progressive minded guy that I am, the obvious solution is to open more beauty salons catering to transgender women, like this:

If they want a wax job, give them the deluxe treatment. Anything less would be chintzy and transphobic!


  1. This transgendered "woman" (i.e. a biological man) looks like Danny DeVito in drag.

    I guess progressives in Canada care more about transgender rights than they care about immigrant rights.

    I expect homosexuals (especially lesbians) are steaming mad when this transgendered "woman" - a "woman" who apparently still possesses male genitalia - says stuff like she is "One proud lesbian. I'll never give up fighting for human rights equality."

  2. You can give a Brazillian wax to someone with a penis!

    *Waves farewell to reality as it steams off into the distance*
