
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Brake failure

It's revealing to see how progressives and/or Democrats are led by the nose. They rubber-stamp the progressive cause du jour. When critics point out the consequences of that position, they dismiss the critics as alarmists. When the warnings of the critics come true, the progressives/Democrats don't balk. They don't reconsider their original position. They just do a reset for the latest stage of the progressive cause. They have no brakes. They just go along with whatever the culture elite mandates. They passionately defend whatever the progressive cause du jour happens to be. They are incensed if you predict the consequences. They vehemently deny the consequences. Then when that happens, they instantly adjust to the outcome they angrily denied would eventuate. Two examples:

1. Remember when "marriage equality" was sold on the grounds that it would have no impact on heterosexuals? "If you don't like gay marriage, don't get one!"

But the homosexual lobby didn't stop with "marriage equality" That was just a wedge tac tic. They want gov't to fine Christian business to shut them down.

And when that happens, how do the voters who used to spout the "marriage equality" propaganda react? Do they reverse position now that they were proven wrong? No. They practice amnesia. They act like that development is consistent with their original position. It doesn't even register that they are contradicting their original position. They erase the old line and draw a new line. 

2. When critics of "marriage equality" asked proponents where they draw the line, using pedophilia and pederasty as comparisons, proponents became incensed at the comparison. They said consent was a key difference.

But now the cultural elites are promoting boy drag queens. And the constituency for boy drag queens consists of adult sodomites. That's the leading edge of pedophilia and pederasty. Sexualize young boys to make them erotic objects for gay men. That's the spearpoint of pedophilia and pederasty. 

Are the voters who supported "marriage equality" protesting this development? Not that I'm aware of. Once again, they practice amnesia. Like sleepwalkers who erase the old line and drew a new line. They aren't even conscious of how quickly they shift positions. What they deny and denounce yesterday, they defend and celebrate today. They have absolutely no moral or intellectual independence or guiding principles. 

1 comment:

  1. This has been an obvious phenomena for many years. One example from the UK, going further back: when the UK government introduced "gay civil partnerships", they solemnly assured the electorate, repeatedly and directly, that this was in no way a stepping stone towards "gay marriage". A few years later, both progressives and conservatives were pointing out that the law does not, in fact, recognise that homosexual relationships are equal to heterosexual ones ... one side said "and that's true and right" and the other side said "and that's evil". At that point, all the arguments made a few years earlier for introducing "civil partnerships" were forgotten (if remembered, they would have been embarrassing own goals).

    Reflecting upon such things, I came to the conclusion that the simplest and most likely explanation was simply that the sexual revolutionaries were liars. They didn't have principled positions. They simply presented made a situational assessment of what arguments would advance their cause in the current situation. If those arguments contradicted what they said was important yesterday, this didn't matter. Arguments weren't meant to reveal principles. They weren't meant to be statements of truth. They were simply intended to as a means to gain power. Their truth value was not relevant. Lying was perfectly acceptable if it advanced the cause.
