
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Shotgun marriage

This comment has gotten a lot of buzz. 

i) She acts like she's never heard of marriage

ii) Skimming her tweets to locate the original tweet, this is example of what happens to people with no Christian frame of reference. Utterly lost. A stimulus-response organism. They act like animals in heat. Utterly selfish. No realization that if babies don't have rights, why should women have rights? It boils down to raw power. 

iii) It doesn't occur to her that she hangs around the wrong kind of men, then complains about what she ends up with. It's so predictable. 

iv) There are fathers who want to keep their child, but current law gives the mother the unilateral choice to abort. Fathers of the child have no legal say in abortion. They've been disenfranchised from having a claim on their own child. In addition, women divorce men at much higher rates than men divorce women. Women usually get custody while the dad is stuck with child support even though he doesn't have custody or joint custody and even visitation rights may be iffy. So the "deadbeat dad" trope is often slanderous to well-meaning men who have all the responsibilities but none of the rights. If you want responsible men, you must give them a stake in the transaction. 

1 comment:

  1. If this were Facebook, I'd give this post a "like"
