
Friday, May 24, 2019

Men should shut up–unless we need their votes


  1. Round and round we go in circles. If women speak up, then we're told they have to be doctors to speak against abortions. If doctors speak up against abortions, the goal post moves again.

    But this nonsense is also nice to see.

  2. I think the idea is that men must only speak up if they agree with women. And, by "women" is meant "women who are in favour with abortion", because the other sort of women don't count, because they've been brainwashed. We know they've been brainwashed, because people whose brains are still unwashed see no problems with killing the innocent and defenceless. All clear?

  3. It probably should be stated that Alexandra DeSanctis is not endorsing the view she is expressing, but is being critical of another person who pushes these two incompatible norms.

  4. It's all end-result-oriented of course... That's the standard libs judge everything by.
