
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Claiming to be God

If Jesus is God Incarnate, the best way to establish his true identity isn't so much for him to claim that directly. Mind you, there's some value is saying that. It's important for folks to be aware that that claim is on the table. But by itself, the claim isn't compelling. Any madman or conman can claim to be God. The claimant may be a deceiver or self-deceived.

More important than saying that he is God Incarnate is showing that he is God Incarnate. Actions that reveal superhuman ability. Actions that illustrate unique divine prerogatives. Actions that invite direct comparison with God. 

In principle, an agent could still do all that but not be God Incarnate. If, however, he's not the Deity, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, then it's up to the true God, if he wishes to protect his reputation, to eliminate the rival. Especially if, absent divine intervention, the impostor becomes the founder of the world's larger, most influential religion. Especially if, absent divine intervention, the impostor is doing things indistinguishable from God.  

Under those circumstances, how is anyone able to distinguish the true faith from the counterfeit? God loses his claim to human allegiance if it's not possible to differentiate the true God from the impostor. 


  1. I think he has to claim it in addition to doing these great deeds. Otherwise he might not be an imposter but rather a prophet.

    1. Yes, it's important for there to be a claim in order to evaluate the claim.

    2. 1. He has to claim it
      2. He has to show it
      3. He has to be in line with God's prior revelation

      The third is important, as the False Prophet + Beast will deceive the world using the first two.

      The third is also important in the context of post-OT claimants - the NT does not contradict OT concepts but rather expands and fulfills them (if one knows where to look in the OT for divine multiplurality, theophany, atonement through the death of the righteous).

      Meanwhile, Islam as that other claimant to the mantle of OT-succession contradicts and is ignorant of many OT concepts.

  2. Someone here. It might have been you Steve, says in the gospel of John, we, the reader, are told from the get go that Jesus is God.

    Then as we read through we follow the disciples bit by bit come to that discovery.
