
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Francis is an anti-pope!

If Pope Francis is a heretic, that means the "throne of Peter" is vacant. The One True Church® is rudderless. Adrift. The skipper is an anti-pope who's taken the barque of St. Peter off-course.

Now we just need to turn this into a movie about superheroes who parachute in to rescue the One True Church® before she heads over the waterfall. Nail-biting suspense.


  1. If he’s a heretic, he is nevertheless still a pope. The article allows that he doesn’t “infallibly” espouse heresy. So he is useful as a placeholder in the “unbroken succession”. They need that too!

  2. I sometimes wonder if Benedict tells himself he made a mistake and thinks about making a comeback.

  3. --Now we just need to turn this into a movie about superheroes who parachute in to rescue the One True Church® before she heads over the waterfall. Nail-biting suspense.--

    Can the superhero in question be Jesus Christ come in flaming glory and judgment and wrath, please.
