
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Abolish the Senate!

Seeing as the Senate is even less representative than the Electoral College, since each state gets equal representation regardless of population, shouldn't Warren's first priority be to abolish the Senate? And shouldn't she lead by example by resigning from that highly undemocratic body?


  1. They better be careful what they wish for. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans in liberal states do not vote, because they know their vote does not matter in the sea of blue in their liberal-controlled states. If the Electoral College is done away with, the Democrats will inadvertently give these suppressed voters a huge motivation to go out to vote.

    To be sure, the real reason the Dems want to abolish Electoral College is it will facilitate mass voter fraud in liberal-controlled districts, its effects now reaching nationally and no longer restricted to their districts or states.

    1. It’ll be interesting to see Trump campaigning in California, New York, and some of those other “solidly blue” states.

    2. > Hundreds of thousands of Republicans in liberal states do not vote, because they know their vote does not matter

      Wouldn't the same motivation also depress the Democrat vote in those states? And, presumably, there are a lot more of them? (Which is why when politicians want a recount to get them over the line (e.g. Gore in Florida 2000), they concentrate on the districts in which they won by big margins - if more votes are discovered there, it'll heavily favour their side).

    3. Democrats votes are more motivated by the fact that they are on the winning side, rather than dispirited Republican votes that don't matter. Democratic politicians want recounts (in either Red or Blue states) because it gives them an opportunity for fraud, which is proven by the fact virtually every time it favors democrats as their votes seem to appear out of thin air.

  2. Elizabeth Warren, desperately trying to stay relevant.

  3. Staying relevant presupposes already being relevant.

  4. As soon as the Republican wins the popular vote, they'll want to switch back to the EC. Why don't they just pass a law that declares that election are only binding and legitimate when Democrats win.
