
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Abolish the Capitol Police!

Before Bernie Sanders sponsors a bill to ban/confiscate private ownership of "assault rifles" (whatever that means), he should sponsor a bill to abolish the Capitol police. Surely he doesn't think Congressional Democrats should enjoy a gov't funded security detail while ordinary Americans are disarmed. An alternative is for Bernie to sponsor a bill to provide armed guards for all Americans, to parallel the protections enjoyed by Congressional Democrats. 


  1. I read a comment section of the NZ ban on ar-15s. No matter the perceived solution, the bad guys will adapt.

    Does anti NRA rhetoric stop bad guys? No. Less weapons? No.

    So it seems the debate is about mass killings. I understand the stress over the body count, but the bad guys will only build new ones with 3D printers or use grenades.

    Is my argument reasonable?
