
Saturday, February 02, 2019

Disillusioned atheism


  1. I read this the other day. The piece and the comments section present a feast for the presuppositionalist. These specimens are a thing to behold. History will not be kind to these self-proclaimed 'critical thinkers' and 'brights' (pass me the bucket).

    Crtical thinkers, my bottom!

  2. It's amusing to watch these atheists consume each other. Like watching Screwtape consume Wormwood.

    PZ Myers has gotten into fights with most of the major "new atheist" names. Atheists know how much Myers and Sam Harris dislike one another. Myers has publicly fought Richard Dawkins too. Likewise Myers vehemently opposed Hitchens' politics. Myers and Gad Saad have been piling on the hate on each other forever; and Saad is an equally loudmouthed buffoon as Myers is. Myers sued Richard Carrier.

    I suppose most of it stems from Myers' virulent leftism. His stumping for SJWs, feminists, toxic masculinity, intersectionality, Muslims, etc. In a word, Atheism+. However, the more libertarian and conservative atheists took serious issue with Myers and Atheism+ in watershed moments like GamerGate. Harris and Dawkins oppose Islam, unlike Myers. Myers rightly regarded Carrier as the sexual predator he is, but Carrier sued Freethought Blogs for dropping him, and Carrier is financially supported in his lawsuit by some wealthy guy he met at MythCon (I think), which many atheists regard as an alt-right platform. And so on and so forth.
