
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"The idolatry of whiteness"

From the founding of this nation until the present hour, the idolatry of whiteness has been a pro-death spirit within our republic. 

To this end, we call upon white leaders and members of the Evangelical church to condemn in the strongest terms the white supremacist ideology that has long existed in the church and our society.

If you would like to add your name as a signer of the Charlottesville Declaration, please email: with your name and title as you would like them to appear.

Notice the schizophrenic attitude. How can they abhor the (alleged) idolatry of whiteness while they simultaneously solicit white evangelical signatories–as well as white leaders and members of the Evangelical church to condemn white supremacist ideology? Doesn't their craving for white backing and white signatories idolize whiteness? If the (alleged) idolatry of whiteness is the source of the problem, then why should they seek the patronage of white folks? Shouldn't they demonstrate their independence of white approval? By seeking white sponsors, don't they perpetuate the (alleged) idolatry of whiteness.

Doesn't felt need for whites to bless their outlook betray a racial inferiority complex on their part? Why do they pine for whites to affirm them? Doesn't that idolize white opinion? Doesn't that evince a sense of inadequacy of their part? They act like they suffer from white envy. They act like they wish they were born white. They act like they're ashamed to be black, which they camouflage by donning SJW fatigues. 

1 comment:

  1. I read the material at the link, trying to work out exactly what the signers are affirming, and what they are denying. I first thought that the article that has their signatures at the bottom is just a cover statement, and that the list is somewhere else. But eventually I concluded that there is no list. The article itself is the thing being signed. And as such, the signers are condemning a label, but not defining what is the content. That seems rather akin to signing a blank cheque.

    "White supremacy—often called by many names including racism, white privilege, “alt-right” and the KKK—is an insidious doctrine"

    So, here they don't just say that one thing is a manifestation of another, but that all these things are identical. They are the same thing, under different names or labels. But does that, in turn, mean that all forms of racism (actual, or purported; major, minor, actual, inferred, ranging from murder to supposed 'micro-aggression') are actually *identical* to KKK membership?

    It looks to me rather like signing this statement is a way to declare your vague virtue and connection in some way, rather than a serious attempt to clarify exactly where the problem is, and isn't. I suppose, from the general tone and rush to get signers without these clarifications, the response they'd give is that I must be part of the problem because it's all so obvious that it hardly needs clarifying. (N.B. I've never entered the USA, and the cultural context of such statements is alien to my own home culture).
