
Friday, August 31, 2018

Dealing with death

1 comment:

  1. I feel that Christian pastors sometimes misrepresent death in two ways:
    1) Underplaying the awfulness of death itself, forgetting that death will eventually, itself, be destroyed. Believers may be in a better place, but it shouldn’t make us forget what an indignity and disfigurement death is.
    2) Trivializing Heaven by making it sound as little more than a fun outdoor barbecue. That’s not what either Christ died for or what compensates for the sufferings of this life. I’ve read a number of NDEs, and while I’m sure some of them may be fabricated, there is a tremendous amount of consistency in what I think are the more authentic ones. All of them seem to indicate an existence that is almost beyond imagining. And that’s just the initial planes of existence after death.
