
Friday, September 23, 2016

An immigration plus

In the past I've been very critical of Muslim immigration. I haven't changed my mind on that. Likewise, I've been very critical of illegal immigration. I haven't changed my mind on that either.

However, I'd like to note some positives of immigration–mainly legal. And that is the extent to which immigration may erode the power of the liberal white establishment. In general, immigrants don't come from cultures that euthanize the elderly. Don't come from cultures that hate children. Don't come from cultures that think coed bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams are a moral imperative. Don't come from cultures where you prosecute businesses that refuse to cater homosexual celebrations. Don't come from cultures that deny human exceptionalism. Don't come from cultures where trees are more important than people. Don't come from cultures that deny the right of self-defense. Don't come from cultures that punish success. Or if they do, they are escaping from that kind of culture. 

1 comment:

  1. Some thoughts:

    > However, I'd like to note some positives of immigration–mainly legal. And that is the extent to which immigration may erode the power of the liberal white establishment.

    And historically its been the influx of immigrants to the US that has helped the US retain a more religious character. I am not talking the last 100 years but 3-4 hundred.

    2) I used to do a lot of street evangelism with my friends some years ago. What we found was that it was immigrants (and I would add African Americans) who were most open to the Gospel. They did not have so many of the prejudices and biases attendant to folks who identify with Western culture.

    Now there were many folks whom I shared the Gospel with who were from Spanish speaking countries. Could some of these folks have been illegal? I would like to think not but hey... you never know. Regardless seeing their openness to Gospel has led me to place the issue of immigration on a very low low low level of importance. Heck - Onesimus was in a state described as "illegal" by Rome but Paul was not like "You @)#*^&)@! I am going to turn you in."

    In Him,
    ~ Raj
