
Monday, December 14, 2015

Is I. H. Marshall in heaven?

Did I. H. Marshall go to heaven when he died? Before SEA accuses me of damning Arminians and dispatches the flying monkeys to arrest me, that's not where my question is headed.

Rather, how would Jerry Walls and his fan club answer that question? Would Walls and his fanboys say Marshall is cooling his heels in purgatory for the next few decades? How much remedial punishment must Marshall undergo before he's presentable to the saints in heaven? 

Perhaps we now need an Arminian Tetzel to expedite Marshall's purgation. Having rehabilitated purgatory, is Walls working on a theology of indulgences to fast-track the process? 


  1. "As soon as a bitcoin in the digital coffer rings, a soul from Evangelical purgatory springs!"

  2. For Steve Hays to tag SEA to either defend or explain a particular doctrine of Jerry Walls (who is neither a SEA member, nor who is quoting SEA doctrine), simply because he is an Arminian, would be like for me to call on Steve Hays to either defend or explain the false prophecies of Harold Camping or the protests of the Westboro Baptist Church, simply because they are Calvinists.

    1. Like feminists, Arminians have no sense of humor.

  3. Having rehabilitated purgatory, is Walls working on a theology of indulgences to fast-track the process?

    Jerry Walls holds to some kind of purgatory? Sorry I missed that, if you talked about that earlier. A link may be helpful here.

    You guys are amazing in the amount of material you put out; there is no way to read it all, so ( I would think) most people are going to miss things that are in a series and / or required them to keep up with the old articles.
