
Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Incestuous relationship between terrorism and the state

Regarding a proposed moratorium on Muslim immigration, Chris Christie said:

What we need to do is to increase our intelligence capabilities and activity both around the world and in the homeland. We need to back up our law enforcement officers, who are out there fighting this fight every day, give them the tools they need. We need to cooperate with peaceful Muslim-Americans, who want to give us intelligence against those who are radicalized. We did this after 9/11. And it was a very impressive approach. I can tell you in New Jersey that we frequently had sources inside mosques in New Jersey that were giving us information that helped us to bring cases and intervene on things that we otherwise wouldn't' have known about.

This is classic. It's like what Ike said about the military-industrial complex: Notice the pervasive circular reasoning:

i) We need to beef up domestic surveillance to monitor domestic jihadists. Of course, if we didn't have that gratuitous supply of domestic jihadists, we wouldn't need to expand domestic surveillance to keep apace.  

Consider, moreover, how wide a net must be cast. To monitor any particular terrorist, you must monitor all his contacts. Family, friends, acquaintances. The bank teller. The cashier at the supermarket. Eavesdrop on conversations with everyone he happens to talk to, phone, text, tweet, and email. Keep an eye on the entire apartment complex or condo complex where he resides. And so on and so forth. Think how many innocent people become entangled in these investigations.

Likewise, expand police presence to keep up with the expanding Muslim presence. So the police state and surveillance state move in tandem with the Muslim community. 

Likewise, you wouldn't need Muslim informants to snitch on jihadists unless you had a Muslim community in the first place. And by bragging about the frequency of the tips, notice how that casually grants the extent of homegrown jihadist plots. 

Mind you, here's a very different perspective on how forthcoming they are:

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