
Friday, May 22, 2015

Faithless Christians lock their doors!

In this response to Abolitionist John Reasnor's Opening Statements on incrementalism, Clinton Wilcox of Scott Klusendorf's Life Training Institute once again demonstrates that he doesn't believe the Gospel is the answer to abortion. This isn't a debate over political strategy, but the Gospel and how Christians should view sin and repentance.

That's like saying, Clinton Wilcox locks his doors, which once again demonstrates that he doesn't think the Gospel is the answer to car theft and house-burglary. 

The Gospel is the answer for people who believe the answer. For people who believe the Gospel.

But what about people who don't believe the Gospel? 


  1. I guess that depends on what you mean by "the answer".

    In a sense, the Gospel is "the answer" for everyone, whether they believe it or not.

    1. Yes, it's ambiguous. But in context, the Gospel is not the answer to crime for criminals who reject the Gospel. In that situation, the law is the answer to crime–or the closest thing we get to an answer this side of Judgment Day.

  2. Somebody is moving the goalposts. AHA says:

    "This isn't a debate over political strategy, but the Gospel and how Christians should view sin and repentance."

    Yet in his opening argument, which was turned into sushi by Clinton Wilcox's response, John Reasnor said:

    "It is the purpose of this debate to focus on what God has to say about immediatism and incrementalism."

    So once again AHA demonstrates its inconsistency and inability to argue in good faith. Intellectual honesty seems to be in short supply within the closed ranks of AHA, unlike hubris and sanctimonious holier-than-thou pronouncements.
