
Monday, January 12, 2015

Secular utopia


  1. Article is a complete fiction.

    For example about Finland:
    "Party guests, even at upscale gatherings, report that, around 11:30 at night, things often take a fighty turn." LOL, not true.
    " It’s considered poor form to leave the party when there is anything left in a bottle." LOL, not true
    "Booze-related disease is the leading cause of death for Finnish men, and second for women." LOL completely false:
    Last year's reason of deaths in Finland
    1st reason 38%
    2nd reason 24%
    3rd reason 15%
    alcohol related 4%

    Please don't propagate this nonsense article.

    1. How did someone living in Australia become an expert on Finnish parties?

    2. Were you tipsy when you wrote this? Love how "1st reason" right down to the third is unnamed in a response claiming that an article is complete fiction.

  2. What a dumb reply. Where's your proof to the contrary? The article does a good job of showing that socialism will always collapse under its own weight.

  3. Interesting to see that people here make comments about me or my IP address, rather than do fact checking, to defend the article/book that fits their narrative. Fact checking is so overrated.

    SG, I didn't bother to translate the reasons in my first post because the article was just in Finnish news and that was not the point:
    You can use Google translate if you want

    However here is the original source:
    2013 reason of deaths in Finland
    Diseases of the circulatory system 38%
    Neoplasms (~Cancer) 24%
    Dementia, Alzheimer's disease 15%
    Accidents 4%
    Disease of the respiratory system 4%
    alcohol related 4%
    Claim "Booze-related disease is the leading cause of death for Finnish men, and second for women." is clearly false

    "Finland is also a leader suicide"
    Suicide rate in Finland was 17.3 in 2013
    Which is less than near by countries Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and about the same as in Estonia, Hungary, Belgia, Poland

    and Austria. France had about 14.7.
    Claim is clearly false

    "Finland is also a leader antidepressant usage"
    Finland uses less antidepressant than Australia, Canada, the UK and the US
    Claim is clearly false

    "Finland is also a leader in categories... murder"
    Murder rate is 1.5%
    Which is way below European average. The US rate is about 4.7%
    Claim is clearly false

    Every "fact" in that article/book about Finland is clearly false, but as we know facts rarely change people's opinion because it does not fit their narrative

    I like Semper Reformanda's response claiming it is a "The article does a good job of showing that socialism will always collapse under its own weight".
    Article is based on incorrect "facts", Scandinavian contries have not "collapsed" and the economic system in Scandinavia is capitalism not socialims. But somehow the article does a good job... LOL

    1. "Article is based on incorrect "facts", Scandinavian contries have not "collapsed" and the economic system in Scandinavia is capitalism not socialims. But somehow the article does a good job... LOL"

      Because of your intellectually sloppy approach to reading comprehension, you completely missed the part of the article stating that Sweden had to go on a privatization spree due to their crippling fiscal debt. Plus, in what sense is Scandinavia capitalistic? If people are paying 58% - 72% of income in taxes, and the state has extensive welfare, nationalized health care, and monopolized state-run pharmacies, it's utterly laughable to call it "capitalistism."
