
Tuesday, December 02, 2014

"It's a zip code thing"

Here’s the more complete truth: People commit crimes in their own neighborhoods against their neighbors. The statistics don’t reveal a “race” thing; it’s largely a zip code thing. Since the country’s poor neighborhoods are still pretty segregated by income and ethnicity, that means both whites and blacks disproportionately commit crimes against their fellow poor whites and blacks, respectively. It’s not innate criminal tendency or deep social pathology as the stereotype and bad statistical statements suggest. A significant contributor is zip code.
The problem with that explanation is that it fails to account for why black males kill each other at far higher rates than other racial or ethnic groups:
...blacks and Hispanics commit crime at much higher rates than whites as well. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17, for example, commit homicide at ten times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined; if Hispanics were taken out of the equation (which federal data makes it difficult to do), the disparity between the white and black homicide rates would be even higher.
Not to mention the underreported incidence of black-on-white crime. 
If it's "largely a zip code thing," then the rate of intraracial crime ought to be comparable across ethnic groups. 
Now, to my knowledge the problem is not with blacks in general. It's not with black women in general, or middle-aged black men in general, or middle and upper-class black men in general.
Rather, it's concentrated on young black men–especially in urban settings. 
I wonder if angry, violent hip-hop music isn't a contributing factor. I'm not talking about hip-hop music generally. I'm mean hip-hop music that's full of angry lyrics about women, whites, police, the system, &c. 
If you immerse yourself in that music, I imagine it gets young men ginned up for confrontations. Music is a powerful, mood-altering medium. 

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