
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Banning abortion

From what I can tell, AHA's strategy is to drum up popular support for a national ban on abortion. I assume the objective is something like a Constitutional amendment. A counterpart to the 14th Amendment. 

At the same time, AHA repudiates cooperation with Catholic prolifers. if so, does that mean AHA would oppose a Constitutional ban on abortion if that process required Catholic votes (i.e. Catholic Federal and state lawmakers) to supply the necessary margin for passage and/or ratification? 

The process for amending the Constitution requires supermajorities (2/3) in the House and Senate, as well as ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures. 

Must there be enough non-Catholic votes in Congress and state legislatures for AHA to endorse a Constitutional amendment to abolish abortion?


  1. Plus they repudiate mere pro-lifers, it's a strident, consistent "us" (AHA) vs."them" (everyone else) narrative. Ultra-sectarianism doesn't typically encourage coalition or consensus building.

  2. It's also a bit of a kamikaze approach. All in. No prisoners. No negotiations. The cause trumps all. The problem is after awhile you're out of planes and pilots, then what?
