
Friday, October 03, 2014

Medical missionaries

This article, by an atheist, skirts an obvious issue:

Why are medical missionaries doing what many secular physicians avoid? Well, if you were an atheist, would it be rational for you to risk your life to save the sick? Atheists keep telling us that this life is all there is, so we better make the most of it. 

I'm sure there are atheists who take big risks to save others. That's not the point. The point is whether it's rational to hazard the only life they will ever have for someone else's benefit. On a related note, I'm reminded of a post by Pruss:

And it's not just a question of endangering yourself. It's about lifestyle as well as life. Medical missionaries sacrifice a western lifestyle to work in wretched Third World countries. That reflects Christian priorities. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good, and the link to Pruss was a nice bonus.
